Dr. Colin Combs, DVM

Dr. Combs always knew he wanted to be a veterinarian once he was old enough to know what a vet was. He started his veterinary career at the age of 14 bicycling back and forth to work in the kennel at Mesa Veterinary Hospital. Dr. Combs graduated from Colorado State University Veterinary Medical program in 1991 after completing his undergraduate degree in microbiology and veterinary science. After achieving his doctorate, he practiced in Golden for 8 years until he joined West Ridge in 1999. In 2001 Dr. Combs and Dr. Hubert purchased West Ridge from Dr. Emmet, and in 2007 bought Dr. Hemerson’s practice (Mountain Vista) and moved West Ridge Animal Hospital to its new and current location.
Dr. Combs has a special interest with birds, exotics, wildlife, and feisty cats. He graduated from the first veterinary acupuncture course at CSU and also provides veterinary orthopedic manipulation or VOM (animal adjustment) and was one of the first doctors in Northern Colorado to use single port laparoscopy for advanced surgical procedures. He has served on the board of the Colorado Veterinary Medical Association, and the Association of Avian Veterinarians. Dr. Combs is the past director of the Denver Area Pet Loss Support Group and a past president of the Weld County Veterinary Medical Association. He currently serves as the Veterinary Coordinator for the Weld County Animal Response Team (CART) assisting in emergency situations that may arise such as flooding or tornadoes.
In his free time, Dr. Combs enjoys snorkeling, gardening, and refinishing woodwork. He loves to drive his tractor and work his family’s small acreage while watching his two dogs, Chloe (golden retriever) and Connall (Irish wolfhound) frolic in the pasture. Along with his family, Dr. Rebecca Hubert and their two children, he can often be found at local events. A proponent of giving back to his community, Dr. Combs and his family volunteer with numerous local organizations including the Weld County Humane Society, the Greeley Children’s Chorale, the American Cancer Society, the Weld County Food Bank, and Pet Aid Colorado. Dr. Combs loves living in the little big town of Greeley. He likes knowing people wherever he goes and enjoys the culture, diversity, emerging arts programs, and the picturesque pelicans.